Paul Lo

Paul Lo

Paul Lo
University College Dublin

This exchange programme is definitely a far-reaching experience. I can still remember every single moment as if everything just happened yesterday. When I first came to the campus, I went to the residence straightaway. The most exciting part was that the residence was equipped with an open kitchen and a dining room shared by four exchange students. I met a German, an Australian and an Irish student. Not only did we share many experiences from our countries, but we also cooked our traditional dishes for each other. It was so fun!

To me, life at UCD was less stressful than life at CUHK. Although the classes were still competitive and the students were very eager to learn and succeed, they participated in a lot of student activities and sports as well. Everyone seemed to have a packed schedule. Travelling is always the best part of this exchange experience. I tried visiting several cities (e.g., London and Amsterdam), both on my own and with the people I met at UCD. Both experiences were awesome. What happened in these few months will forever stay in my mind.